Tips for Productive Virtual Mediations

Social distancing has created obstacles for legal counsel for many litigation tasks, especially mediation. Some mediations are being delayed or canceled. However, for many cases, parties and counsel should seriously consider online virtual mediation. Virtual mediation, although not yet commonplace, can resolve many types of cases. It is not always appropriate, but it has significant […]
Lewis Wagner, LLP Partner Featured on DRI Podcast

INDIANAPOLIS (March 2020) – Lewis Wagner partner John Trimble recently joined fellow DRI member and industry leader Frank Ramos on his podcast, “A Conversation With…” to discuss the practice, legal trends, different issues and challenges, as well as his career and experience. This unscripted podcast features meaningful lawyer to lawyer conversations about important topics to […]
Lewis Wagner, LLP Welcomes New COO and Elects New Partner

INDIANAPOLIS (February 2020) – Lewis Wagner is pleased to welcome Debra Dowdy as COO and congratulates Wade Fulford on his promotion to Partner. Debra earned her Bachelor of Science in Management at Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master of Business Administration from Western Governors University. Prior to joining Lewis Wagner, she spent thirteen years managing a […]
Lewis Wagner, LLP Partner John C. Trimble Receives Richard H. Krochock Award

This article was originally published in the February issue of The Voice from DRI – The Voice of the Defense Bar. John Trimble, partner at Lewis Wagner, LLP in Indianapolis, was the distinguished recipient of DRI’s 2019 Richard H. Krochock Award. This annual award honors an individual who has provided exemplary leadership to the DRI […]
Mediators as Evaluators – Can One Be Both Effectively?

This article was co-authored by Patrick Clark, a 2019 law clerk at Lewis Wagner. Mediators must always remain independent in resolving disputes between widely disparate views and interests. However, mediators evaluate cases to some degree when facilitating settlement discussions between parties. Critics have highlighted the inherent danger of the mediator’s role as a case evaluator: […]
Lewis Wagner, LLP Partner Elected President of Association of Attorney–Mediators

Trimble to lead organization of 400 – plus members of the country’s oldest nonprofit trade association. INDIANAPOLIS (April 2019) – John Trimble, partner at Lewis Wagner, LLP, was elected President of the Association of Attorney-Mediators (AAM) at its Annual Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, on April 26-27, 2019. AAM is the country’s oldest nonprofit trade […]
Challenged to “Locke” Into a Resolution

In the curriculum for business ethics that I teach to students at Butler University’s Lacy School of Business, we cover John Locke and his notion of private property rights – natural rights that existed for each individual in the state of nature. Locke contended that men left that state of nature, in part, because the […]
Are You Ready? Tactics for Negotiation

To read full article, click here and go to page 12.
Reflections on ICLEF Training From a Newly Minted Mediator

When I agreed to write an article for the mediation section of Indiana Lawyer, I had just moved to the law firm of Lewis Wagner and decided I wanted to include mediation in my legal practice. After completing my civil mediation training and thinking about potential topics for this article, I realized that as a […]