Are legal services a basic human need?

Are Legal Services A Basic Human Need

As we approach the end of 2020, many of us are contemplating our personal and business charitable contributions. The ravages of the pandemic have left many with no paycheck, no home and living in a state of hopelessness. Imagine what it has been like for people who were already in chronic need before COVID arrived. There has […]

Indiana Supreme Court Holds That UIM Insurer’s Right to Offset Payments by “Legally Responsible” Parties Does Not Include Payments by Other UIM Insurers


Glover v. Allstate Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., 2020 WL 5951386 (Ind. 2020) The Indiana Supreme Court recently addressed a case with multiple insurance issues.  Shelina Glover, a passenger in an automobile, died from a multi-car accident. Her estate settled claims against two responsible drivers who paid their policy limits totaling $75,000.  The estate then […]

Charting the Course for Estate Plans

Many attorneys experience some version of the following scenario at one time or another – You meet with clients to discuss a legal agreement they want you to prepare, you prepare the agreement, send follow up correspondence to the clients regarding specific terms and issues of importance, revise the agreement according to the clients’ input, […]

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Religious and Moral Exemptions in ACA Birth Control Mandate

On July 8, 2020, the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling in Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania, Case No. 19-431, addressing the regulatory exemption to the mandate for health plans to provide birth control. The Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide […]

COVID-19 and Force Majeure in the Manufacturing Context


The global COVID-19 pandemic ground the world economy to a virtual halt in many sectors, including manufacturing. Many manufacturing lines slowed to a crawl or stopped completely. Travel became practically impossible, if not prohibited by various government orders. Despite that, supply contracts remain in place. What impact COVID-19 has on the legal relationships between customers […]